
Orderize is developing a digital platform to help local retailers transform offline processes into data-rich operations.
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Premium Details Available

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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Growth rate month over month
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Monthly revenue context
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Number of paying customers
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Monthly active users
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Do you have a lead investor?
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How much have you raised in the past?
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How much of this round already committed?
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
€1 - €1K
Growth rate month over month
Monthly revenue context
Our monthly revenue is predominantly derived from our B2B subscription model, where businesses pay a recurring fee for access to our platform's services. Additionally, we generate revenue from our B2C product through commissions on transactions facilitated through our platform. We calculate our monthly revenue by aggregating the subscription fees from B2B clients and the transaction commissions from B2C transactions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of our income streams.
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
How much have you raised in the past?
Founders Capital 5000€
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
100% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status

Basic details

Amount raising
Saas, Ecommerce
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
March 25, 2024

Key Achievements

  • One key achievement of our startup is successfully launching our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and acquiring our first customers. Since the launch, we've achieved a Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of over €320,000, showcasing the market demand for our solution and our ability to attract initial customers. This milestone marks the beginning of our journey towards growth and scalability, laying the groundwork for future success.
  • A notable achievement for our startup is securing commitments totaling €90,000 from investors for our ongoing funding round aimed at reaching €350,000. This milestone underscores investor confidence in our business model, product, and growth potential. With €90,000 already committed, we are well on our way to achieving our fundraising goal, which will fuel our expansion plans and drive further innovation.

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