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Mamosa B.V.

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January 29, 2024
Data is self reported
Mamosa is developing a comprehensive platform for Middle East and Africa region to empower individuals by helping them discover their talents, learn new skills, and utilize their expertise to generate income, ultimately enabling them to support themselves and their loved ones with a unique blend of personalized guidance and innovative features.


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For this startup there is an actual piece of text here instead of this blurred text. It's available to active investors and investors on a paid plan.


Number of founders

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Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience

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Relevant industry experience

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Previous startup experience

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EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation

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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft

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In the news

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Ownership founders

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Lead investor

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Intended closing date

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Fundraising status

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Already committed

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Revenue Metrics

Paying customers

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Monthly active users

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Mamosa B.V.

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Download Pitch Deck
January 29, 2024
Data is self reported
Mamosa is developing a comprehensive platform for Middle East and Africa region to empower individuals by helping them discover their talents, learn new skills, and utilize their expertise to generate income, ultimately enabling them to support themselves and their loved ones with a unique blend of personalized guidance and innovative features.


Achievements during Phase 1 (2022) of Technical Feasibility Study: Technical Development of the App: 1. Successfully crafted a functional design based on feedback from a survey of 1500 potential users from Iraq, implementing a user-friendly interface CMS. 2. Addressed financial aspects, including the technical linking of payment methods. Resolved the issue by managing payments from the Netherlands and integrating Apple Pay and Android/Google. 3. Ensured server location in the Netherlands to maintain stability during peak traffic, aligning with UN organization requirements. Market Research and Innovation: 1. Conducted comprehensive market research on payment methods, guiding integration strategies on the website. 2. Identified gaps in existing e-learning platforms in the MENA region. 3. Innovatively introduced an online marketing platform (Bazar) and downloadable resources to the market. Regulatory and Ownership Considerations: 1. Adhered to legal advice regarding contracts, copyright, and legal jurisdiction. 2. Addressed potential challenges in intellectual property and contractual issues. Financial Achievements: 1. Successfully secured €40,000 in subsidy, being one of the 20 companies awarded out of 70 applicants in response to the RVO's SBIR call. Costs and Pricing Strategy: 1. Researched and compared costs of video and voice-over processing between companies in Iraq and the Netherlands. 2. Defined costs for courses, offering a free app download and initial lessons, with affordable complete course prices. Understanding the Target Group: 1. Determined the necessity of offering training courses in Arabic and Kurdish for better outreach. Content Development: 1. Successfully conducted in-house development of initial lessons as examples for the app's launch. 2. Achieved consistency in content, style, learning objectives, and appearance across all training courses. 3. Successfully planned the development of courses in Iraq, involving activities such as video recording, editing, translation (Arabic<>Kurdish), and voice-over. Manual Creation: 1. Successfully investigated the need for a comprehensive manual for trainers to guide them in the course development process. 2. Developed a successful manual outlining procedures for creating courses and uploading them into the system. Partnership Exploration: 1. Explored partnerships with UN organizations, iNGOs, and local organizations in Iraq.

Founded in









No poverty (SDG #1), Quality education (SDG #4), Gender equality (SDG #5), Decent work and economic growth (SDG #8), Reduced inequalities (SDG #10), Climate action (SDG #13), Partnerships for the goals (SDG #17)

Patent information

We registered the name, logo and font of Mamosa in Benelux


Number of founders


Number of employees

Founder backgrounds

Exit experience


Relevant industry experience


Previous startup experience


Female founder


EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation

Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft

In the news

Investment details

Amount raising


Ownership founders

100% owned by founders

Lead investor


Current investors

Subsidie: 216000 euro

Intended closing date


Fundraising status

Already committed


Revenue Metrics

Monthly revenue


Monthly growth

not growing

Paying customers


Monthly active users

Mamosa is developing a comprehensive platform for Middle East and Africa region to empower individuals by helping them discover their talents, learn new skills, and utilize their expertise to generate income, ultimately enabling them to support themselves and their loved ones with a unique blend of personalized guidance and innovative features.
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(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
Growth rate month over month
not growing
Monthly revenue context
We just finished developing MVP in October 2023
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
How much have you raised in the past?
Subsidie: 216000 euro
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
100% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status
We registered the name, logo and font of Mamosa in Benelux

Basic details

Amount raising
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
January 29, 2024

Key Achievements

  • Achievements during Phase 1 (2022) of Technical Feasibility Study: Technical Development of the App: 1. Successfully crafted a functional design based on feedback from a survey of 1500 potential users from Iraq, implementing a user-friendly interface CMS. 2. Addressed financial aspects, including the technical linking of payment methods. Resolved the issue by managing payments from the Netherlands and integrating Apple Pay and Android/Google. 3. Ensured server location in the Netherlands to maintain stability during peak traffic, aligning with UN organization requirements. Market Research and Innovation: 1. Conducted comprehensive market research on payment methods, guiding integration strategies on the website. 2. Identified gaps in existing e-learning platforms in the MENA region. 3. Innovatively introduced an online marketing platform (Bazar) and downloadable resources to the market. Regulatory and Ownership Considerations: 1. Adhered to legal advice regarding contracts, copyright, and legal jurisdiction. 2. Addressed potential challenges in intellectual property and contractual issues. Financial Achievements: 1. Successfully secured €40,000 in subsidy, being one of the 20 companies awarded out of 70 applicants in response to the RVO's SBIR call. Costs and Pricing Strategy: 1. Researched and compared costs of video and voice-over processing between companies in Iraq and the Netherlands. 2. Defined costs for courses, offering a free app download and initial lessons, with affordable complete course prices. Understanding the Target Group: 1. Determined the necessity of offering training courses in Arabic and Kurdish for better outreach. Content Development: 1. Successfully conducted in-house development of initial lessons as examples for the app's launch. 2. Achieved consistency in content, style, learning objectives, and appearance across all training courses. 3. Successfully planned the development of courses in Iraq, involving activities such as video recording, editing, translation (Arabic<>Kurdish), and voice-over. Manual Creation: 1. Successfully investigated the need for a comprehensive manual for trainers to guide them in the course development process. 2. Developed a successful manual outlining procedures for creating courses and uploading them into the system. Partnership Exploration: 1. Explored partnerships with UN organizations, iNGOs, and local organizations in Iraq.
  • Achievements during Phase 2 (2023): Technical Development of the App: 1. Developed the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the Mamosa App for Android and Apple devices. Regulatory and Ownership Considerations: 1. Secured full intellectual property rights for Mamosa, registered in the Benelux (name, logo, and fonts). Financial Achievements: 1. Successfully secured €190,000 in subsidy from RVO's SBIR call for Phase 2. Understanding the Target Group: 1. Developed a clearer understanding of customers, their pain points, and their journey. Content Development: 1. Created five courses in three languages (Arabic, English, and Kurdish) with associated study materials. 2. Developed a successful manual for trainers, outlining procedures for course creation and uploading. Partnership Exploration: 1. Developed a clear strategic partnership that will be operational in 2024. 2. Explored partnerships with UN organizations, iNGOs, and local organizations in Iraq. Team: 1. Established a stable and aligned team that resonates with the vision and mission of Mamosa. Marketing Plan: 1. Formulated a comprehensive strategic marketing plan outlining a clear market entry strategy for Mamosa. Innovation Focus: 1. Pioneered the introduction of an online marketing platform (Bazar) and downloadable resources, showcasing a commitment to innovation in content delivery. 2. Explored and incorporated the use of AI capabilities within the Mamosa platform, demonstrating a forward-thinking approach to enhance user experience and engagement.

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