
GreenAnt leverage satellite insights to back farmers' reforestation efforts, introducing data-driven financial products to support sustainable agriculture, and tracking deforestation activities.
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(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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Growth rate month over month
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Number of paying customers
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Monthly active users
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Do you have a lead investor?
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How much of this round already committed?
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
Growth rate month over month
Monthly revenue context
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
How much have you raised in the past?
No, we haven't raised money in the past
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
70-79% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
None of these
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status
We are working for acquiring patents

Basic details

Amount raising
AgriTech, Climate, Crypto, Energy
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
November 7, 2023

Key Achievements

  • GreenAnt has developed NFTs to ensure that the carbon storage of trees is tradeable and considered valuable assets. These financial transactions are secured through blockchain technology, providing enhanced financial accessibility to a worldwide market and higher ROI for impact investments. Farmers, particularly those in developing economies, often resort to polluting practices due to insufficient financial accessibility caused by weak property rights enforcement and currency volatility.
  • GreenAnt's DAO aims to grant farmers access to financially valuable products, offering them a secure way to raise capital on DeFi platforms and traditional financial providers. This can help decrease their dependency on illegal lending practices, support investment in climate change adaptation, steer farming techniques away from pesticides and toxins, and improve their living conditions. The increase in investment in green, environmental products would create a virtuous cycle of success.

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