
We’re FlexoWatts. We add flexibility to the energy ecosystem for businesses today. Through our open and future-ready energy management solution, we help businesses keep energy costs low, work within grid limitations and reduce their CO2 footprint.
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Premium Details Available

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
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Growth rate month over month
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Monthly revenue context
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Number of paying customers
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Monthly active users
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Do you have a lead investor?
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How much have you raised in the past?
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How much of this round already committed?
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When are you aiming to close this round?
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How much time do the founders spend on the business?
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Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
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Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
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What percentage of company is owned by founders?
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Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
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Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
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Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft
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Year founded
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Patent status
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Premium Details

(Data is self reported)


Monthly Revenue
Growth rate month over month
not growing
Monthly revenue context
A monthly recurring fee based on the optimization potential (€) based on our digital twin technology. Additionally, we add a fee when scaling the functionality.
Number of paying customers
Monthly active users


Do you have a lead investor?
How much have you raised in the past?
Earlier we raised subsidies/grants.
How much of this round already committed?
When are you aiming to close this round?


How much time do the founders spend on the business?
Is there a founder with previous co-founder / c-level at startup experience?
Is there a founder with previous Sector Experience?
Is there a founder with previous Exit Experience?
What percentage of company is owned by founders?
100% owned by founders
Is there a women founder with at least 5% of the shares?
Is there a founder with a EUR / Erasmus MC or TUDelft relation?
None of these
Graduation year from EUR, Erasmus MC or TUDelft


Year founded
Patent status
We believe in open and continuing innovation through open source and supporting open standards. We believe our expert knowledge gives us a very strong head start in this strongly growing market.

Basic details

Amount raising
linkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founderlinkedin profile of founder
Last updated:
October 28, 2023

Key Achievements

  • - We've launched our proposition together in the market under the name FlexoWatts. We build a network of experts around us that are top of the market on IoT (energy asset orchestration) and energy Flexibility (machine learning).
  • One of our team members has build an open source energy flexibility framework which is now part of the Linux Energy Foundation.  By making this framework open source and part of the Linux Energy foundation, we can grow it worldwide, build a community of contributors and provide a lot of people with an interesting job that contributes to the energy transition worldwide and a better world.

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